How Much Do I Feed A Kitten & How Often?

kitten eating

Bringing a new kitten home is exciting and fun, but it can be a little nerve wracking if you’ve never had a cat before. After all, there’s a learning curve that comes with being a first-time cat parent. For instance, you may be wondering – how much to feed a kitten, what type of food should I feed her, and how often?

In this post, you’ll learn everything you’ll need to know about feeding your new kitten.

What to Feed a Kitten

In most cases, kittens shouldn’t be adopted until they’re 8 to 10 weeks old, vaccinated, and already weaned off their mother’s milk. At this age, a kitten should be eating a combination of dry and solid wet kitten food. Kittens also need a readily accessible supply of fresh, clean water throughout the day and night.

How Much to Feed a Kitten

A kitten’s age, breed, and activity level, as well as the type of food you choose to feed her, all influence how much food you should be feeding your kitten. The good thing is that most commercial kitten food has detailed feeding information listed right on their labels, so if the food you’re using has such information, then you should follow the manufacturer’s guidance.
To determine how much you should be feeding your kitten per meal, just divide the daily recommended amount for your kitten’s age by the number of meals you are feeding her each day. If your choice of cat food does not have a feeding label, then stick to the following guidelines:

  • For kittens aged 7 weeks to 5 months, they should be fed between â…“ cup to 1 cup of dry food per day.
  • For kittens aged 6 months to 1 year, they should be fed between â…” cup and 1 ¼ cups of dry food per day.

How Often Should a Kitten Be Fed?

Every kitten is unique because each has its own personality and metabolic needs. Some kittens will graze on small amounts of food throughout the day, while others may prefer eating fewer but larger meals.
In general, however; most kittens prefer eating between three and six small meals throughout the day. You can choose to feed your kitten small, individual meals or let her graze throughout the day. The most important thing is to ensure that your kitten is eating the appropriate amount of good quality food.

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