How To Stop A Dog From Biting

boxer dog

When a dog tends to bite, the biting can range from being just a nuisance to a downright danger to other pets and humans. So, it is highly important to get her behavior under control before she seriously injures someone. 

But one of the challenges with learning how to stop a dog from biting is that you first need to figure out what is causing her to act out. For instance, some dogs may nip or bite whenever they feel scared or threatened while others may have an underlying health problem or injury that is causing their aggression to increase. Then there are some dogs that bite because they are overly possessive of food or toys. 

Because there are so many things that can be causing your dog to bite, your first step should always be to take her to the vet, so she can be thoroughly examined to rule out a medical reason. If no medical reason is found, then here are some steps that will help you get your dog to stop biting.

Steps To Take To Get A Dog To Stop Biting

If your dog likes to nip or bite, then it is even more important to ensure that your dog’s vaccinations are current, especially its rabies vaccination. This is part of your basic responsibility of being a dog owner, but it takes on greater importance should your dog bite someone. Next, you will want to follow these steps to help stop your dog from biting. For the best results, each of these steps should be started as early on in the dog’s life as possible.

  • Sign your dog up for a basic training program that is designed to help dogs with behavioral issues. After completing the program, your dog may or may not need to attend it at various times throughout her life to reinforce the lessons she’s learned.
  • Increase your dog’s socialization. Allow your dog to meet and interact with different types of people, including children, disabled people, and older people in a calm setting.
  • Expose your dog regularly to a wide variety of situations and environments. This includes meeting other dogs and exposing her to loud noises, large machines, bicycles, or anything else that might spark her to bite out of fear. 
  • Never discipline your dog by using physical, violent, or aggressive punishment. Always use positive reinforcement, such as praise and/or treats, before resorting to distraction tools and techniques, such as shock collars and loud noises. 
  • Keep your dog on a leash when she’s out of the home. Only let her off her leash if she’s in a fenced area. 
  • Always warn others if you suspect or know that your dog has fearful or aggressive tendencies. Use a muzzle, if necessary, especially in situations where your dog is meeting new people or other pets, at least until you can get her biting under control.

Most importantly, pay attention to your dog and you will gradually begin to know when she may be getting ready for an aggressive act. 

What To Do If Your Dog Bites Someone

Despite all your efforts, there is always the possibility that your dog could still bite someone should she become overly fearful or protective. If this occurs, then it’s important to act quickly. First, move your dog from the situation and confine her in a safe space, and then immediately assist the victim. Wash the bite thoroughly with soap and warm water, and if necessary, have them seek immediate medical attention.

Training a dog to stop biting is a process, so it can take time. If your dog still shows a tendency to bite even after plenty of training and positive reinforcement, then another trip to the vet will be warranted. Your veterinarian may be able to prescribe your pet medications that can help keep her calmer and less aggressive.

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